Isnin, 25 Mei 2009

Islam Agamaku - Bahagian 2

Setelah seminggu ana menunggu jawapan dari banyak pihak, akhirnya penantian yang diharapkan sia-sia belaka. Mengapa ana merasakan sia-sia belaka? Buat pengetahuan pembaca, setelah melihat konteks ini dari aspek menyeluruh, justeru amatlah tidak adil sekiranya ana tidak mendapatkan pandangan dari pihak yang lebih dikatakan bijak dan profesional. Namun demikian emel ana kepada beberapa ahli agama baik dari kategori pensyarah mahupun siapa jua memberikan seribu kehampaan sahaja.

Ana teringat sebuah lagu nasyid yang mana terdapat bait-bait daripada lirik lagu itu yang mungkin mencerminkan situasi sekarang.

"Ahli agama berjawatan tinggi, perosak agama diatas nama agama, mereka takkan sedar diri"...

Apabila menerangkan mengenai islam itu sendiri, kita mesti melihat dua tiang utama yang membentuk pertama asasnya dan yang kedua binaannya. Ana melihat dalam aspek islam, rukun islam ialah asas atau boleh dikatakan sebagai 'foundation'. Justeru itu 5 perkara dalam rukun islam itu menjadi asas seseorang islam. Dewasa ini ada sesetengah masyarakat muslim itu sendiri tidak mempunyai asas yang kukuh. Solat entah ke mana, zakat entah ke mana,puasa lagilah. Oleh yang demikian, 5 rukun yang menjadi asas kepada islamnya seseorang ialah:

"Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang layak disembah melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad itu adalah pesuruhNya".Dengan Shahadah, kita mengabdikan diri dengan hati sanubari dan dengan pengakuan lidah bahawa Tuhan yang Mana Esa itu adalah Allah s.w.t dan Nabi Muhammad itu adalah pesuruhNya.

Dengan sembahyang kita mengabdikan seluruh tubuh badan kita menyembah kepadaNya.Mulai dari lidah membaca, tangan bergerak, mata, telinga dan fikiran terpusat dengan susunan rukun sembahyang yang diajar oleh Nabi SAW.

Dengan zakat, kita mengabdikan kepada Allah dengan menyerahkan sebahagian dari harta milik kita kepada mereka yang berhak menerimanya

Dengan berpuasa, kita mengabdikan hawa nafsu dan segala keinginan kita kepada Allah dengan menahan nafsu makan dan minum serta menjauhkan laranganNya. Ini secara langsung akan melahirkan rasa keinsafan serta meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada Allah swt

Dengan mengerjakan haji, kita meyembah Alah dengan harta kekayaan milik kita dan mengunjungi ke Baitullah kepada mereka yang mempunyai kemampuan sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam hidup.

Cukup 5 perkara yang menjadi asas islam. Ana akan jelaskan 1 per 1 lebih jelas di masa akan datang mengenai setiap satu rukun tersebut. Setelah ada tapak asas, sudah pasti perlu ada binaannya. Justeru 6 rukun iman ialah binaan bagi agama islam itu sendiri. Binaan-binaan ini sewajarnya diperhalusi dan memerlukan kekuatan dari asas yang kita ada. 6 rukun tersebut ialah:

Dengan Iman, kita membulatkan keyakinan dan menundukkan diri serta hati kita hanya kepadaNya. Secara positif kita menuju Tauhid yang semurni-murninya dan secara negatif kita menolak segala bentuk pemujaan kepada selain Allah swt

Dengan Iman, kita mempercayai adanya makhluk ghaib yang bernama malaikat yang menjalankan tugasnya mengikut perintah Allah. Secara positif kita percaya kepada alam ghaib yang ditegaskan oleh Allah. Secara negatif kita menolak segala bentuk benda ghaib yang tidak dinyatakan oleh Allah.

Dengan beriman kepada kitab-kitab suci, kita mempercayai adanya kitab-kitab Allah yang meminpin manusia, yang diakhiri dengan kitab AL QURAN

Dengan beriman kepada nabi-nabi dan rasul-rasul, kita mempercayai adanya manusia pilihan yang diutuskan oleh Allah untuk memberi petunjuk, yang diakhiri oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW

Dengan beriman,kita mempercayai bahawa disebalik kehidupan di dunia yang fana ini masih ada lagi kehidupan yang abadi dan berkekalan iaitu disuatu tempat penentuan kedudukan manusia sama ada di Syurga atupun di Neraka.

Dengan beriman kepada Qada' dan Qadar, kita mempercayai bahawa disamping kita berusaha dan merancang akan kehidupan di dunia ini, Allah telah menentukan segala sesuatu itu dan terletak di dalam kekuasaanNya

Keenam-enam rukun iman ini menjadi titik tolak kekuatan asas islam yang dimiliki oleh seseorang muslim. Justeru, ana akan menerangkan setiap aspek dalam rukun iman dan juga rukun islam dengan lebih jelas dalam masa terdekat.

“Janganlah kita melakukan sesuatu yang kita tidak mengetahuinya dan jangan lah kita meninggalkan sesuatu dengan alasan kita tidak mengetahuinya”


Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Islam Agamaku - Bahagian 1

Alhamdulillah....segala puji bagi Allah S.W.T Tuhan sekalian alam...

Islam agamaku merupakan topik yang wajar dibicarakan. Topik ini sebenarnya terbit tatkala seorang sahabat yang ana kenal mewujudkan persoalan mengenai Islam agama tercinta. Untuk permulaan, ana sekadar meletakkan hasil perbualan ana dengan sahabat ana melalui Yahoo Messenger untuk sama-sama kita fahami situasi sebenar yang dihadapi oleh sahabat ana ini. Hal ini telah mendapat persetujuan daripada sahabat ana supaya perbualan kami boleh dijadikan tatapan umum.

Di sini, ana ingin jelaskan bahawa tujuan ana membangkitkan hal ini bukan untuk berlagak alim mahupun berlagak pandai. Sebaliknya menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang muslim.

Dalam suatu hadis, Rasulullah s.a.w pernah berkata
"Tidak masuk syurga bagi seseorang muslim itu sehinggalah dia beriman, dan dia tidak akan dianggap beriman sehinggalah dia berkasih sayang"

Istilah berkasih sayang tidak hanya menjerumus kepada perihal kasih atau sayang itu sendiri tetapi juga merangkumi aspek-aspek yang lain. Salah satu yang paling utama ialah 'Hablumminallah wa hablumminannas' yang bermaksud hubungan baik dengan Allah dan juga sesama manusia.

Sahabat: yup?
Penulis: just want to ask
Penulis: hope dont mind to share
Sahabat: sure
Sahabat: just ask
Penulis: how can u become a doubters?
Sahabat: various reason...
Penulis: mind 2 share?
Sahabat: sure....
Penulis: so...what are those various reason...
Sahabat: well, the biggest reason is because the god/lord/higher being fail to convince me that he/she is able to influence human...
Sahabat: i mean, i believe he/she is there but they have no power on us human...
Sahabat: also that, the way i was brought up to life too....
Penulis: u brought up to life?
Sahabat: the way i grew up
Sahabat: now, i think u failed to ask the very 1st question
Penulis: hahahah
Penulis: ok
Penulis: would u mind if i take every single point over here and put it in my blog
Sahabat: sure...
Sahabat: but later please provide me with the url
Penulis: ok...sure
Penulis: hurm
Penulis: mind to share the way u grew up?
Sahabat: ok
Sahabat: i was the youngest one of 3....
Sahabat: we 're not a happy family or such...
Sahabat: we travel a lot....
Sahabat: it's common for us to live with either of our parent, due to both of them working separately....
Sahabat: mom, i would say she's not a devoted musllim....
Sahabat: and she's into family politics too much...
Sahabat: for her husband...
Sahabat: he's just a muslim by law, and weekly
Sahabat: since i was a kid, i'm used to stay alone for days without them
Sahabat: owh ya...
Sahabat: the very 1st qs that u should ask to a doubters like me is, "what are you doubting in?"
Penulis: hahahah
Penulis: well
Penulis: dude
Penulis: different people have different point of view
Sahabat: okie dokie
Penulis: mind to continue?
Sahabat: ok
Sahabat: so....
Sahabat: basically....
Sahabat: i grew up in the situation of denying....
Sahabat: to deny that all those bad things happen to me....
Sahabat: thinking that it was just their ways of showing their love to me....

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Sahabat: i wasn't a devoted muslim even back then...
Sahabat: but i always turn to him whenever i have a problem...
Sahabat: but, nothing happens....
Sahabat: nothing makes sense
Sahabat: but, i continue to do it...
Sahabat: perhaps i was just comforting myself....
Sahabat: i wanted to believe that i felt better that way...
Sahabat: but it's getting worse...
Sahabat: mom and her husband would always ensure i'll follow their orders...
Sahabat: just because, at some points, sis and bro will never oblige to them
Sahabat: i was pressured....
Sahabat: everything i did was a failure....
Sahabat: when bro or sis make a mistake, they
Sahabat: they'll blame me
Sahabat: i still pray to god back then...
Sahabat: asking and wanting to understand everything...
Sahabat: i thought i was an adopted...
Sahabat: but i can't find any prooves...
Sahabat: at one point, i started to realize, he wouldn't look at me...
Sahabat: at after a while...
Sahabat: i started to believe he has no power over me....
Sahabat: from then i became a doubters...
Sahabat: i began to read translation of those 3 holy scriptures from the abrahamic religion...
Sahabat: i tried to comprehend...
Sahabat: i tried to rationalized everything....
Sahabat: but i failed...
Sahabat: that only makes my doubters fondation concrete...
Penulis: hurm
Penulis: ok....
Penulis: mind to share more details about ur parents?
Penulis: i mean where they came from
Penulis: and so so
Sahabat: she was born in johor...
Sahabat: grew up in various places, kl, perak, johor and singapore...
Sahabat: she's working...
Sahabat: have to acted as the eldest from 7 due to several reasons...
Sahabat: her family condone family politics heavily...
Sahabat: while her husband's born in kedah...
Sahabat: he's the eldest from 2...
due to hardship of growing up, he became tough inside out,
Penulis: so both of them are purely muslim
Sahabat: yes
Penulis: technically?
Penulis: what make u say like that
Sahabat: yes...
Sahabat: because i believe there are two reasons for believers to be believers...
Sahabat: one, because they are born as a believers... like you...
Sahabat: or second, they wanted, acted, believe that they are believers...
Sahabat: as for mom, i would say, she's a believers...
Sahabat: not only because she was born as one...
Sahabat: as for her husband, i would say he's a muslim because he's born as one
Penulis: what make u say i fall into first type of believers?
Penulis: elaborate more about ur sentence as for mom, i would say, she's a believers...
not only because she was born as one...
Sahabat: hahahhaha...
Sahabat: for me, the true believers is either someone who not only born as believers, but also condone the value, teaching of religion....
Sahabat: or the one who wasn't born as believers but wanted, tried, acted and believed that they are believers...
Sahabat: as for you...
Sahabat: i only know you are a muslim...
Sahabat: so, it's only applicable for me to say u're the 1st one...
Sahabat: it would be unbasis for me to judge whether u wanted to be a believers, or acted like one, or believed to be one because i don't know u inside out
Penulis: hurm
Penulis: ok2
Penulis: mind to cont later
Sahabat: ok
Penulis: need something to finish up
Sahabat: sure, just buzz me up when u're free
Penulis: *u knew it rite?
Sahabat: ?
Penulis: hahaha
Penulis: its ok
Sahabat: hahahahaha
Penulis: i'm already late 4 asar
Sahabat: oook
Sahabat: i need to run to the bathroom too
Sahabat: elo
Penulis: mind to continue?
Sahabat: sure...
Sahabat: any thing u wanna know?
Penulis: how well did ur relation with your parents and sibling?
Sahabat: i would say, the relationship that i have is more or less on the legal basis
Sahabat: by hook or by crook, they have to provide me with shelter, money and anything else that i need until i'm 21, aite...
Sahabat: that's the rule...
Sahabat: i myself do not condone the institution of family as i think that is the most absurd principle that human ever create...
Sahabat: as for mom, she only view this things as a family politics, and to ensure that everything seems to be ok infront of others...
Sahabat: although that that come with certain exceptions... espc when it's regards to me...
Sahabat: as for her husband, he never accept me as his son, and he never have a problem of stating it infront of me in public...
Sahabat: and me neither has no reason on why should i accept him...
Sahabat: sis, she's sort of like him...
Sahabat: *like mom...
Sahabat: both are bithces...
Sahabat: i don't bother on anything they did...
Sahabat: plus, they don't care about me too...
Sahabat: bro, well, he's the beloved son...
Penulis: hurm.....
Penulis: your he is ur real father or step father?
Sahabat: one, because they are born as a believers... like you...
Sahabat: or second, they wanted, acted, believe that they are believers...
Sahabat: as for mom, i would say, she's a believers...
Sahabat: not only because she was born as one...
Sahabat: as for her husband, i would say he's a muslim because he's born as one
Penulis: what make u say i fall into first type of believers?
Penulis: elaborate more about ur sentence as for mom, i would say, she's a believers...
not only because she was born as one...
Sahabat: hahahhaha...
Sahabat: for me, the true believers is either someone who not only born as believers, but also condone the value, teaching of religion....
Sahabat: or the one who wasn't born as believers but wanted, tried, acted and believed that they are believers...
Sahabat: as for you...
Sahabat: i only know you are a muslim...
Sahabat: so, it's only applicable for me to say u're the 1st one...
Sahabat: it would be unbasis for me to judge whether u wanted to be a believers, or acted like one, or believed to be one because i don't know u inside out
Penulis: hurm
Penulis: ok2
Penulis: mind to cont later
Sahabat: ok
Penulis: need something to finish up
Sahabat: sure, just buzz me up when u're free
Penulis: *u knew it rite?
Sahabat: ?
Penulis: hahaha
Penulis: its ok
Sahabat: hahahahaha
Penulis: i'm already late 4 asar
Sahabat: oook
Sahabat: i need to run to the bathroom too
Sahabat: elo
Penulis: mind to continue?
Sahabat: sure...
Sahabat: any thing u wanna know?
Penulis: how well did ur relation with your parents and sibling?
Sahabat: i would say, the relationship that i have is more or less on the legal basis
Sahabat: by hook or by crook, they have to provide me with shelter, money and anything else that i need until i'm 21, aite...
Sahabat: that's the rule...
Sahabat: i myself do not condone the institution of family as i think that is the most absurd principle that human ever create...
Sahabat: as for mom, she only view this things as a family politics, and to ensure that everything seems to be ok infront of others...
Sahabat: although that that come with certain exceptions... espc when it's regards to me...
Sahabat: as for her husband, he never accept me as his son, and he never have a problem of stating it infront of me in public...
Sahabat: and me neither has no reason on why should i accept him...
Sahabat: sis, she's sort of like him...
Sahabat: *like mom...
Sahabat: both are bithces...
Sahabat: i don't bother on anything they did...
Sahabat: plus, they don't care about me too...
Sahabat: bro, well, he's the beloved son...
Penulis: hurm.....
Penulis: your he is ur real father or step father?
Sahabat: always try to spark any tension between me and others
Sahabat: unfortunately we're blood related
Sahabat: u there?
Penulis: yeah
Penulis: i'm here
Penulis: waiting 4 ur answer
Sahabat: i have
Sahabat: unfortunately we're blood related
Sahabat: which means, he's my real father
Penulis: ok
Sahabat: what else u wanna know?
Penulis: hurm...
Penulis: so far....i just can say that ur family in one of the big reason that drag u
Penulis: but.....
Sahabat: hahaha
Sahabat: i would'nt say they are the reason...
Sahabat: they are just some catalyst...
Penulis: i need to read thru all the conversation to clearify everything
Sahabat: it is the institution of religion and the way god/lord acted himself that turns me this way
Penulis: 'hurm
Penulis: definitely i'm not agree
Penulis: i have my own reason to say that
Sahabat: sure
Penulis: instead of the reason that u have state...anything to add?
Sahabat: yeah
Sahabat: because god has protrayed how he didn't have the power over human...
Penulis: hurm.....that seem the same as the first reason
Sahabat: it is...
Sahabat: but it's from different perspective...
Penulis: hurm....mind to elaborate more?
Sahabat: and if u are waiting for me to say, "someone came to me and preached about all these" i would have to say, "sorry, no one did that"
Sahabat: the 1st perspective is from my narrow view of life...
Sahabat: it is all resolve around my life...
Sahabat: but for the second perspectives, it's from the surrounding outside my life...
Sahabat: every religions claim that god is merciful...
Sahabat: but every now and then...
Sahabat: people are killed in the name of god...
Sahabat: yeah, we're suppose to understand one's religion from the religion itself, not from the acted of the believer..
Sahabat: but why did god do nothing?
Sahabat: instead of ending all those suffering and innocent people, he just watch...
Sahabat: and do nothin...
Sahabat: it is applicable if he missed me in his vision, as there are billions of human on earth...
Sahabat: but, how can he missed all those masacre in the name of god?
Sahabat: be it done by talibans, jewish extrimist or other?
Sahabat: the masacre happens in such a great number and it happens everyday...
Sahabat: how can he missed that?
Sahabat: or should i say, he refused to take a look on it?
Penulis: anymore?
Sahabat: perhaps that is enough for now
Sahabat: my mind is splitting into half watching porn and talking to ya
Sahabat: hahhahahaha
Penulis: hahahah
Penulis: ok2
Penulis: its fine
Penulis: have anyone asked like me before?
Sahabat: a few...
Penulis: and where are they come from?....what is their reaction regarding all your doubt?
Sahabat: some are malaysian malay...
Sahabat: some are foreigners...
Sahabat: reaction...
Sahabat: it's hillarious...
Sahabat: some are angry...
Sahabat: but couldn't justify a thing...
Sahabat: i would say, some also came with a pathetic pity...
Sahabat: not that i need it...
Sahabat: while some choose to ignore me...
Sahabat: while some just listen and keep it to themselves...
Sahabat: you know, some would say, just because drinker and anything else that makes me this way...
Sahabat: but they wrong...
Sahabat: that is all my choices...
Sahabat: believes and act of life is different...
Sahabat: i aint' a believer because of that...
Sahabat: but more to because the reason i have stated
Penulis: hurm...i'll try to explain all your doubts as best as i can hopefully by tonight i can start my writing
Sahabat: okie dokie
Penulis: so...start read my blog!
Penulis: lol
Sahabat: hahahah
Sahabat: just write anything u think best suite...
Sahabat: i'll leave a comment on it
Penulis: u will on9 tonite rite?.....may be i have a few question later
Sahabat: yup...
Penulis: need to have strenght first
Sahabat: hahahaha
Sahabat: i hope writing my story wouldn't drain all of ur energy
Penulis: lol
Penulis: strengh is not only refer to energy
Sahabat: or it would be a pity though
Penulis: nope...its really interesting
Penulis: ok dude
Penulis: gtg lor
Sahabat: okie dokie
Penulis: tonite will be continue

Berdasarkan perbualan ana dengan sahabat di atas, ana merasakan seolah-olah masyarakat muslim sewajarnya tidak meletakkan kesalahan kepada sahabat ana semata-mata sebaliknya sama-sama kita fikirkan apakah kurangnya ataupun silap di bahagian mana sehingga perkara ini terjadi....

Dalam hal ini, ana telah memikirkan beberapa perkara yang sewajarnya ana jelaskan bagi membolehkan seseorang individu itu faham mengenai agama Islam tidak hanya pada nama sebaliknya meliputi segala aspek.